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Choose The Right Keywords For Your Posts

As you all know, search engine optimization is the most important step you most keep in mind while designing your website or blog. Attracting a search engine to your website/blog is an art.

There are actually 100's of optimization methods that are talked about but one of the most important of them is choosing the right keywords.

Keywords are the words people search in Google and other search engines. Your blog's search visibility in search engines depends a lot on the keywords you use in your blog posts and more importantly in the header and description of your blog as described in my post on 11 "Golden" tips for search engine optimization.

But where to get these keywords from?
There are many sites on the net that offer the most used keywords which can help you build a great SEO website/Blog. I personally prefer
It is free to try and you can get many keywords for free. But keywords are not just a word. There are many variations, like the most common spelling mistakes people make while typing a keyword. You can use those misspelled keywords too to increase your search engine rankings. There are many other ways also by which you can use keywords to their maximum effect.
It is a must try for all you who are looking for increasing traffic to their website/Blog.
Check it out HERE


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