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How To Make Your Blog Post Sticky And Readers Stay For Hour?

As we know, most of the readers are coming to our blog to get some information that they're looking for but not coming to hang around. Sometimes, they get the info in one post and they leave. So, how to make your blog post sticky and make your readers stay for more than a minute or more? In order to make money online, you need traffic. There are a few little tips that might helps to make your blog post sticky and gain more traffic:

1) Put Your RSS Feed Subscribe Higher
You should promote your RSS Feed or newsletter, ask your readers and friends to subscribe your newsletter online. This is a way to make them will come back your blog and read your latest blog post. You should provide several subscribe options for your readers to increase the chance that a visitor will subscribe your blog.
2) Interlink Your Blog Post
This is what everyone and I will do. Everytime we write a new blog post, try to seek a relevant post to link to within your new blog post. Let say if a reader is reading a post about 'How To Make Money Online' and you inserted a relevant blog post link about 'Make Money Online With Affiliate', they might click the relevant post link to read more as well after finished reading the first post about how to make money online. With that said, they will stay for another minute to read another post on your blog, if your another blog post has other related information link within it, your reader will be reading all over and over again.
3) Response To Every Single Comment From Readers
It's to build good relationship with your readers, never act like a superstar and never replied to any comment. This is what I'm practicing in every of my blog post. Once your readers like your attitude and character, they will be more likely to visit your blog again.
4) Focus on Your Niche
Not only we should make our blog post sticky but our blog as well, try to only focus on a specific or single niche. This is the basic tips to make your blog post sticky. If you're writing many different niche, says you have 1 post each in categories like 'make money online', 'food', 'technology' and etc, when a reader is looking for food post, they will only read the only 1 post about food and then leave.
5) Create Archive Page
This is a must for a blog, whenever your readers want to search for something in your blog but they forget when you post it, Archives page might help your readers to seek for the blog post.
By following this 5 simple tips, you might be able to make your blog post more stickier. I will be more likely to hear your other tips on how to make your blog post more stickier too. Simply drop a comment over here and we can discuss more about it.


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