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Can You Make Money By Starting Your Own Article Directory?

I see more and more people wanting to start there own article directory. They think they can become the next ezinearticles or goarticles. While it might seem as a great money making idea the truth is that it's not.

Why Is It a bad idea?

First off, you are a little to late. If you really wanted to make money with article directories you should of started a couple of year ago. Now, it is simply to saturated.

You Don't Have Enough Authority...

When you start an article directory you will have no authority at all. It will take you a very long time to build solid authority. The reason you see (ezinearticles) articles ranking high in the serps is because of the domain authority, and not because of the content. Currently ezinearticles has a Page Rank 6, how long will it take you to get a PR6?

The content is not going to be unique...

When you start an article directory most articles being submitting are usually also submitted in varies other directories. The directory with the most authority will achieve the highest ranking, which is not your.

Do you have a lots of money to invest?

This is a way around the unique content issue. Since you can't afford to have duplicate content on your site until you gain solid authority, you will need fresh content. Really, the only way to do this is to hire some writers. Hire some writers to write about 200-300 articles for you. This will give your site unique content. In the meantime work on your authority. So, do you have enough money for 200-300 articles?
Are you sure you want to use adsense to make money?

This is a very common mistake I see noobs do all the time. They just start an article directory and a couple of days later throw adsense on it. When you do something like that you will surely get smart priced. To make money with google adsense you need visitors from Google who type the right keyword to find your article. Without auhtortiy you won't get much SE traffic, and without SE traffic you won't make any money witg Google Adsense.

Last words of advice..........Don't Do It. 


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