Freebie trading is a term used for a transaction between two people, much like buying and selling. You advertise for referrals by offering to pay a specified amount of money to be a referral.
- Referral for what? Have you seen websites that give away computers, ipodtouch, iphones, laptops….etc….and cash if you get so many people to sign up as your referral to try offers.
- Offers? What kind of offers? Offers that are free trials, or inexpensive, low cost offers. Some of these offers maybe services, like Blockbusters, Netflix, Gamefly, etc. or products, like trial diet pills, vitamins, colon cleansing, etc. There are to many to list.
- The advertiser may say, if you can get 6 referrals to try our products, you will earn a prize, or cash. To get the prize you may need 7 referrals. If I get 7 referrals I will make $350.00, or earn a computer…etc. So I advertise to find those 7 referrals. I may advertise that I will pay you $35.00 to be my referral and try offers. Now 7 referrals at $35.00 for each referral is costing me $245.00, BUT, the website is paying me $350.00. I just made over $100.00 after paying my referrals.
- How does the referral make money. Well, if they choose an offer, for example, like Blockbuster, they may have to pay $9.99 a month. The obligation is to try the product for one month. If you like it, that is great, keep it and continue with it. If you do not want it, cancel before the trial is up and there will be no further obligation. So, even though you are paying $9.99 to try the service, you are getting paid by me to try it for $35.00, so the referral just made a $25.00 profit. Can you see how this works?
- Everyone benefits, the advertiser of the product, the referral, because they are getting paid to try the product or service, and me, because I am getting paid by the website for getting the specified number of referrals.
- Can you see how you can make money from home, online. Freebie trading is actually a business. Now you will not get rich with freebie trading, but you will make a residual income, enough to pay a bill or two, or have extra spending money, all from working at home, online. as a freebie trader.
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